After Macao came time for Hong Kong ... Hydrofoil flew:)
HongKong .. oh well .. fairly high-rise building, but prices are not as scary as everyone told me. In fact, you can say that most products needed for life is Polish prices.
We lived in a truly charming place:) In Hindu girls called by an Arab. Just next to the hostel, who booked on the 13th floor = Mirador Mansion. And why not zabukowanym hostel? Since our room was booked to hire someone else. Martin tried to fight with a Chinese woman walking .. There is little an outcome, in any case lived in an Arab:) Besides, all this is a cluster of miserable Mirador guesthousow.
Oh ... Two long-awaited day has come moment - Paul has left us:) He had to move pictures from HK, but I guess it did not yet, so if we succeed, it shall do so soon.
PS deed already .. People are working and do not travel:)!, other also I'll be adding

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